Who are we?

Our MissioN

To form a group of men dedicated to Our Lord Jesus Christ, who will strive to live the best Christian lives possible.  To live by word, deed, and example, the ideal Christian concept of manhood in those situations or conditions granted them by the Grace of God.  To follow the teachings and life of our Lord Jesus and the example of his Holy Saints, to know and put in practice the Holy Scriptures as they apply in our age.  


The Hermandad was orignally formed by men of the Parish of San Ysidro, in Santa Fe, New Mexico in early 1979 as a parish men’s group.  The group grew to form a body of approximately twenty men.  During Holy Week of that year, members of that group were asked to attend a weekend retreat in Penasco with Los Hermanos de la Sociedad de Nuestro Padre Jesus.  Those of the men’s group who attended were:  Lee Romero, Joe Bermudez, Tito Romero, Alfredo Geoffrion, Antonio Salazar, and Solomon Madrid.  

Later, at a meeting of the men’s group, it was decided that we invite our fellow members to a retreat.  Some of the members were outside of the City and Parish, in a setting which has largely remained unchanged over the years.  La Capilla de San Antonio in La Cieneguilla was selected and permission granted from the owners of the property for its use, since it was a privately owned “Morada.”

The date of the first retreat “Cruzada” was September 23rd, 24th, and 25th, in the year of our Lord 1980.  The structure and format, talks and meditations were formed by Lee Romero and Antonio Salazar.  


Our Core Values



Love of God